Monday, September 3, 2012

The Unofficial Start of Fall

There seems to be a reoccurring theme on when I write a new post: Easter, Fourth of July, Labor Day. I guess Halloween will be next. Speaking of which, today is the unofficial start of fall - my favorite time of year! We get a break from the heat and humidity, pumpkin and cinnamon flavors are welcomed back, weekends are spent watching football and I get to whip out my favorite pair of sweater pants. Yes, pants that feel like a sweater. If I could wear them to work, I would. On second thought, I believe I HAVE worn them to work when I was on the overnight shift. That's neither here nor there, though.

Besides weather, food and fashion, I also turn a quarter of a century old soon! Yep, the big 2-5. I know that's still pretty young, but it's a milestone, right?? Looking back, 25 seemed "SO OLD" but looking forward, it seems just the opposite. I still have so much I want to accomplish during this time... but where do I even start? I guess I have the rest of my life to figure that out.

This is the time of year is when I miss my mother the most. She LOVED thinking of creative birthday and Halloween parties for me. One year when I was in elementary school, she made spaghetti for "brains"and peeled grapes for "eyeballs" and let us go through a line blindfolded, feeling all the "ooey-gooey" stuff. I only hope I can be that fun for my kids someday.

As for work, I couldn't be in a better place. Nicole is back from maternity leave and a new format and flow is coming together. After the Fourth of July themed show, I decided our next project would be "Back to School" themed. Instead of doing it in-studio, I wanted to take it outside and do it remotely from a local park. We had cheerleaders, a marching band, healthy lunches to pack for the kids, a fashion show and even some pointers on homework help. Unfortunately, it rained the day of the show! And I don't mean a sprinkle or two, but the bottom fell out! We had to make a lot of last minute changes and had several technical difficulties... but that's the nature of the beast in live television!

So what's my next project? FOOTBALL! The Friday before the Iron Bowl (Alabama v. Auburn) we're going to do an Alabama/Auburn Talk of Alabama. I'm going to try to make it even, but don't be surprised to see a little more crimson than orange!

Until next time!

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see.
-Corrie Ten Boom

 Me and Nicole before the Back to School Show!

What it takes to GO LIVE

Does this even need a caption? 
Too bad they were from Canada....

Had to get creative on how to rep both schools!