Thursday, February 14, 2013


Next month will be TWO years since I moved back to Birmingham. It really does seem like yesterday I was cramming all my belongings into a UHaul and making the long drive from Oklahoma to Alabama. I was so excited to be moving back "home" and starting a new career. Little did I know... God had some major plans for me!

March 14th 2011: started work at ABC 33/40 as the producer for Good Morning Alabama

May 14th 2012: Started BACK at ABC 33/40 as the producer for Talk of Alabama

March 4th 2013: First day on camera as the new Traffic Reporter for Good Morning Alabama (along with still producing Talk of Alabama)

That last one was a REALLY BIG surprise and something I definitely was not planning!
When I was in college, my goal was to study broadcast journalism and be on camera. I had dreams of eventually replacing Erin Andrews out in the field, or Katie Couric on the news desk. While those are pretty big dreams... it's good to be realistic, too. I found myself on the other end of the camera, and absolutely loving it.

When offered the traffic position, I had to go with how I felt. I got in my car and immediately called my parents. I may be 25 years old, but I still confide in them. They try to stay neutral with big things like this, and not sway me either way, but I knew they felt the same way I did... excited!

This will be a whole new challenge... especially having to get in 2 hours earlier WITH my hair and makeup ready! I have a few weeks to train and learn the new graphics program, so hopefully I can be well prepared by March.

I will still be producing Talk of Alabama along with this new opportunity, I will just be getting into the station a few hours earlier, and leaving a little bit earlier.

I've prayed about this decision and feel God brought this to my path for a reason.... so why not take it?

Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them, or you stay afraid of taking them.
-Jim Carrey