Friday, January 7, 2011

First 8 Months...of the Rest of my Life

     When I started college four and a half years ago, my academic goal was to become the next Katie Couric. I know, how much more cliche' could I get? Every girl with broadcasting dreams looks up to her, with the hope of someday being the main anchor on the national evening news. My friends would always say: "Sam, you are so perfect for that! Do your anchor voice!" And if you know me, you know I'm a ham, so there was no hesitation--I would clear my throat, straighten my posture, and pretend I was looking into the camera with a serious, determined face, saying: "Good evening, and welcome to World News Tonight. I'm Samantha Russell..." Everyone would get a kick out of it! And as modest as I would try to be, in the back of my mind, I knew I would be behind that real anchor desk someday...and the days of practicing in front of my mirror with a brush as a microphone would be a distant memory.
     So lets fast forward to the present, January 2011. My dream came true, I'm behind the anchor desk FIVE DAYS A WEEK! Oh wait, that was probably deceiving. FINE PRINT: Yes, I am behind the anchor desk everday...but to give the anchors their scripts, not to report the news. On the otherhand, I could say I'm reporting the news by helping write the scripts and produce the show...but it's all behind the scenes in the dark--literally, the control room is almost pitch-black without the glow of monitors.
     To sum up this first blog, can you say NAIVE? I guess the question really is, can I say it! These past eight months have been a whirl-wind of emotions, learning experiences and the denial of how rough this so-called "real world" can be. There are somedays I think back and wonder why in the world did I want to get into this business? It's all death and destruction, and cut-throat! Dont' kid yourself, I can be as competitive as they come...but some days it just seems to run dry. I have to thank Ted Williams though. If he held on to his dreams of radio broadcasting, even while being homeless, and now is on every TV around the world, I think I could still make it someday...maybe, just maybe.
PS- If you don't know who Ted Williams is, this will fill you in!;mostpopvideo

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