Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oklahoma Memories

     When I moved to Oklahoma back in 2000, I called the drive my "own Trail of Tears." For 12 straight hours, I cried for my mother, whom I had just lost, I cried for my friends, and I cried because I felt completely alone...but I wasn't. The second I arrived in Enid, my room was decorated with pink and yellow. I had a brand new stereo and TV. Anything in the kitchen was up for grabs. I had two loving guardians that drove down in a heartbeat to rescue me from worse.

     Within a week, I had a "Welcome to Enid" party, met my new school principal, had more aquaintances than I could count...some who even turned into dear friends. Within a month I was a part of a new dance company, was flipping off the diving board at the country club, and was mostly enjoying being the "new girl, with the funny accent" at school.

  • My first year here, Ballet Oklahoma traveled to Enid, and for the first time, I felt noticed. I was cast as "Clara" in the Nutcracker. Ever since that moment, I knew things were only going to get better...That God had amazing plans for me.

  • In Junior high, an older girl who I had started dancing with, took me under her wing. She is the youngest of three girls, so I think she felt the need to have a little sister to take care of, and that she did! And as an only child, having a big sister that provided a shoulder to cry on and advice, was something I had always needed-something I had always been missing.

  • In high school I was on the pom-squad (dance team) and I remember my God-Parents telling me, "We've never seen you happier...than when you're dancing on that football field." And they were right, I loved every second of it...and drove my coach crazy!

  • Once it came time for college...Of course I wanted to go to Bama, but a voice inside told me to stay a little longer, and I'm glad I did. Although I was unbiased toward OSU and OU, I went with the orange (which as an Alabama fan, whose colors are CRIMSON, was a tough feat!) I joined an amazing sorority, performed in countless shows, met so many people, oh, and got an education!

  • After graduating, I got a job as an Associate Producer at News 9 in Oklahoma City. I knew that I couldn't pass up the opportunity, and landed myself behind a computer helping produce the morning show! It hasn't always been easy, or pretty, but it's made my skin thicker. It's made me think for myself. And it's made me have more confidence...and not second guess myself.

  • So for 10 and a half years, I learned lessons, made friends, conquered battles and found the true "Samantha." I knew that when it was time to head home, God would provide a path.

     A few weeks ago, a news station in Birmingham, Alabama, one in which I grew up watching, contacted me. They flew me down and interviewed me. After a week of sweating it out, I finally heard back. I was offered the position of weekday morning show producer! This is all incredibly bittersweet. As much as I've always wanted to move back...my time spent in Oklahoma has flown by. There are way too many of you to name, but please know who you are. The close friends from junior high and high school, the ones I met in college and all my crazy sorority sisters, and some of my co-workers.
     When my mother passed away, a close friend told me the Bible verse:
Phil 1:3 "I thank God upon every rememberance of you."
So please know, for whatever memories we have had, I will always cherrish them.


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