Friday, July 20, 2012

July Jubilee

I can't believe it's the middle of July, where has the summer gone? I definitely took the days of being in school for granted and having THREE months off. What did I do with my time? I would probably go stir crazy now. Regardless, I envy two groups of people this time of year: students and teachers. 

As for the weather, I love the heat- but only when I'm laying on the beach with a Pina Colada in tow. That is unfortunately not the case. On the other hand, I did have a wonderful Fourth of July. I had to work, but I worked hard enough that I was able to leave early and spend the rest of the afternoon poolside with some friends! It also gave me the excuse to indulge in an American classic... a hamburger! I don't get to cookout much since I live in an apartment, so I loaded it up and ate way too much. it was totally worth it. 

After getting some sun, we ventured out to a local vineyard for wine tasting, live music and fireworks. Can't get much better than that! Although I'm usually a fan of vino, the Muscadine grapevines down here in the South are just a little too sweet for me. 

Me and my other half, Lynlee, at the vineyard

I mentioned in my last post that I was planning a Fourth of July themed show at work. It ended up going great! We had some holiday trivia, red, white and blue popsicles, fireworks (no, not on set), firecracker flavored frozen yogurt, patriotic party tips and a Skype from San Destin for a fun family getaway! The popsicles and fro-yo were obviously my favorite segments. My next themed show will be "Back to School" and I'm hoping to go live from a local park... stay tuned!

4th of July show! Yummy Sangria Pops with Martie Duncan from 
Food Network Star & Chef Scottie

Charles getting "Slimed" live on the show!

Glenn Guist from "Swamp People" came on the show!
His favorite meal? Squirrel n' Dumplins...

Besides fireworks, food and fine wine, I'm still making headway on my apartment. I painted over a wall that I previously painted blue (I think it reflected how I felt at the time) and painted 3 other walls. I went with "City Scape" grey. I can't decide if I chose the color because it's all I've seen on Pinterest lately, or if it has to do with a certain book I'm reading. Either way... it looks great! I also repainted a table, put up new curtains and rearranged a bit. It's a slow process, but it's coming along. I would post pictures, but my iPhone camera just doesn't do it justice!

As for myself, I've been reflecting a lot on just how much can change in a year's time. It's scary... but good. People don't always like change, or like to venture outside of their comfort zone, but you risk the chance of missing out on something if you don't. It takes trust in yourself, trust in others and most importantly, it takes trust in God.  

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain 

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