Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Call Me J-Lo

It's been a few weeks since I've taken time to write a new post... but when you write for a living, sometimes it's the last thing you want to do when you have free time!

I've been back at ABC for a little over a month, and it's still going great. I've gotten more comfortable with the flow of things and have a few projects in the works...One being a 4th of July themed show. Even though it falls on a Wednesday, we still go live! You're either employed in television or in the medical field when working on a holiday isn't given a second thought. So far we're going to have a red, white and blue fashion show, of course some holiday-themed food and I'm hoping to get the green light to play with some "baby" fire crackers and sparklers for one segment. As long as I'm not handling any explosives, nothing or no one should catch on fire... seriously.

Although it would be nice to have the holiday off, I've learned that taking a day off work is MORE work than not. Last Thursday I flew out to Oklahoma City for one of my best friend's wedding. I was her Maid of Honor... and if you've never been one, it's a big, huge, ENORMOUS responsibility! Once arriving in the Windy City (yes, I realize that's the nickname for Chicago, but it's WAY more fitting for Oklahoma City- or all of the state for that matter) it was non-stop. From arranging table arrangements and bouquets, to transforming a basketball gym into a reception hall, it was no easy feat! This is also where the title of the post comes into play. When taking on my M.O.H. duties, I quickly earned the name J-Lo. At first I thought I was being mocked for my "rather large" backside, but then came to find out it was because of Jennifer Lopez's movie, The Wedding Planner. If only I had Matthew McConaughey by my side... 

Back to reality: I was able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with the bride, Nicole, before the big day, and most importantly, was able to be a part of the wedding itself. It was a full Catholic Mass ceremony, and it was absolutely beautiful. Although it was more detailed than most, with lots of sitting and standing, singing and praying, it went off without a hitch! Well I take that back, the bride and groom got hitched! Corny, but you know you laughed.

The reception was of course my favorite part... since that's the part with the wedding cake. I also gave my Maid of Honor speech. I was really nervous since there were so many people there, but it went well. I was also able to catch up with a lot of good friends and sorority sisters from college. It's like I never left! Last but not least I caught the bouquet! I would say I snatched it fair and square, but when when all the other girls back up to let you catch it... well maybe not so much.

After a long but wonderful weekend, I finally made it back home. My flight was delayed THREE times. I really thought I was going to miss my connecting flight, but after Home-Aloning it through the Atlanta Airport, I actually made it on board to Birmingham! If only "Run, Run Rudolph" was playing during my sprint. 

That's enough writing for one day... I can't get burnt out when it's only Monday.
Until next time!

Gym to Reception Hall Transformation
Hand Made Bouquets & Reception Cups

Nicole's Last Night as a Single Lady!

Right Before the Ceremony

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