Friday, May 18, 2012

Survived Week 1

I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but I made it through my first week on the job! Although each day presented a new challenge, each day also became a little more manageable.

I had to relearn how to work ENPS (Essential News Production System - the computer program used to write, format, make graphics and produce a newscast) which was a task all in itself. Imagine not getting on facebook or Microsoft Office for 6 months, it would probably take a while to remember how to navigate it! I also had to get comfortable in the control room again. Also known as the booth, it's where the producer watches the show and makes sure everything runs smoothly. While in the booth, the producer is responsible for giving constant time cues to anchors, making sure the show stays on time and hits commercial breaks, as well as giving direction if and when anything doesn't go as planned.

Here's a shot of ENPS from Thursday's show. 

This was taken in the booth from where I sit!

Besides the technical side, there's a lot of booking involved. Each day, I have up to eight 3-4 minute segments to fill. They can be interviews, performances, cooking, you name it! Regardless, the show depends on OTHER people showing up. A lot of my time is spent finding, asking and confirming guests to come on the show. Luckily, I have several "regulars" that appear weekly. 

The whole week I had another producer helping me relearn the ropes, Thanks Candace! But come Monday, I am SOLO! It's a little awkward timing, because Nicole, the co-host that has been on the show the longest, left for Maternity leave this week. Not only is she gone for the next 6-8 weeks, but a new co-host just joined the show, so everyone is brand new! At least this way we can all learn together. 

I have a lot on my plate, (literally, there's a chef on the show everyday... it's next to impossible not to indulge in whatever food they whip up), but I'm ready to get creative and implement some new ideas.

I want to thank everyone at the station who helped me out, as well as everyone's support! If you live in the area, and happen to be home from 9-10am, please tune in!
Oh, and here's a link from today's show! Charles Daniel, the morning meteorologist filled in, so we got a little creative on his introduction! I also may have made a cameo! 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

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