Thursday, October 25, 2012

25 Years

This time last year, I had just "turned over a new leaf"... or so I thought. I left working in television and began a new job completely out of left field. Well now it's a year later and what I thought was a new start, was really just a detour that led to something even better.

It's so easy to get discouraged and to ask God why he's taking you down a path you don't want to travel on. For me, sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of the woods, frantically looking at the signs pointing to all the different trails. Which one? Where will this lead me? Will I get lost? Will I find my way out? I tend to pressure myself to find the answer. I feel like if I don't search for the solution, I'll end up with the worst possible outcome. Time and time again, God has proven this theory wrong. He continues to guide me exactly where He wants me to go. Talk about a personal GPS.

25 years later, here I am! If you think you know everything about yourself... think again. I thought I did at ages 13...18...21... and so on. Just in the past year I've learned:

  • Punctuality is my BIGGEST pet peeve
  • I love to bake
  • My parents really do know what's best
  • Saving vs. Spending 
  • I only like coffee when it's made by someone else
  • I can't eat mac n' cheese as much as I want anymore
  • I have a short attention span (Ok - that one isn't new)
  • If it looks good on you, buy it in BLACK - not every color
  • If it looks good on HGTV, it doesn't mean it will look good in your 1 bedroom apartment
  • I have high cholesterol... thanks genetics
  • I've acquired a taste for red wine.. You know, to help the heart (Physically and emotionally!)

I'll stop there... because I know the list will be twice as long when I get to 30. Which is a LONG WAYS AWAY. For now, I'm going to sit in the passenger seat and let God drive. I'm horrible at directions anyway. (1 Cheesy insert allowed per post).

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

They're called God Parents for a reason. 
They've supported since day 1. 

Birthday dinner with some friends at Five!

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