Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Lot Can Happen

You move, meet someone, leave a job, start a new one, cut your hair, change your views... a lot can happen in a year. Not all of those listed refer to me, but a few do.

This time last year I was working at a job I knew was temporary, just trying to figure out what was "next." There were several instances where I thought my life was going to lead one way, and it went the direct opposite. Some were positive changes, while others were negative. In a few instances, I knew better. It's easy to be influenced by the people you let in your life, and it's easy to ignore your conscious when you're temporarily happy.

The biggest lesson I learned in the past year was the only person responsible for your happiness is YOURSELF. It's ironic, because someone else told me that. It took getting hurt and let down to figure out that I had a choice, and that choice was me. It might sound selfish, but you have to put yourself first sometimes. Especially when you're more concerned about pleasing others. So if you haven't caught on yet, my New Year's Resolution is to stop worrying about what makes everyone else happy.

Before New Year's was of course Christmas! I was extremely fortunate to have the day off work. On Christmas Eve we aired a recording of Talk of Alabama that we had previously recorded to "look live." I even had some air-time on a story I did at a local train museum and it's "North Pole Express." It was a rush being in front of the camera! You can watch it here - but the link will only stay active for a few weeks.

I may be 25, but I still spent the night at my parents house on Christmas Eve. Like many families, we woke up early, opened presents, ate and just spent a lazy day at home! You know you're getting old when your favorite gifts are a crock pot and a heart rate monitor.

I also had New Year's Day off thanks to the Rose Bowl Parade that aired during the show's regular hour. I was actually able to not only go out on New Year's Eve, but also stay up late enough to ring in the new year!

So much happened in 2012, I can only imagine what 2013 has in store. I used to have my life on a "timeline" of when everything was suppose to happen... but that's impossible. Timing is everything, but it's not on my watch... it's on His.

Happy New Year, everyone!

My story on "The North Pole Express" 
Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum, Calera

What my mom got my dad for Christmas... Signed and everything!

 I love Him so much!

Me & my neighbor for a Tacky Christmas Party
Yes, she is wearing a wig.

Can't forget Pixie... she turned 3 December 30th!
That's a Puppy Cappuccino (whipped cream) she is eating!

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