Friday, May 18, 2012

Survived Week 1

I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but I made it through my first week on the job! Although each day presented a new challenge, each day also became a little more manageable.

I had to relearn how to work ENPS (Essential News Production System - the computer program used to write, format, make graphics and produce a newscast) which was a task all in itself. Imagine not getting on facebook or Microsoft Office for 6 months, it would probably take a while to remember how to navigate it! I also had to get comfortable in the control room again. Also known as the booth, it's where the producer watches the show and makes sure everything runs smoothly. While in the booth, the producer is responsible for giving constant time cues to anchors, making sure the show stays on time and hits commercial breaks, as well as giving direction if and when anything doesn't go as planned.

Here's a shot of ENPS from Thursday's show. 

This was taken in the booth from where I sit!

Besides the technical side, there's a lot of booking involved. Each day, I have up to eight 3-4 minute segments to fill. They can be interviews, performances, cooking, you name it! Regardless, the show depends on OTHER people showing up. A lot of my time is spent finding, asking and confirming guests to come on the show. Luckily, I have several "regulars" that appear weekly. 

The whole week I had another producer helping me relearn the ropes, Thanks Candace! But come Monday, I am SOLO! It's a little awkward timing, because Nicole, the co-host that has been on the show the longest, left for Maternity leave this week. Not only is she gone for the next 6-8 weeks, but a new co-host just joined the show, so everyone is brand new! At least this way we can all learn together. 

I have a lot on my plate, (literally, there's a chef on the show everyday... it's next to impossible not to indulge in whatever food they whip up), but I'm ready to get creative and implement some new ideas.

I want to thank everyone at the station who helped me out, as well as everyone's support! If you live in the area, and happen to be home from 9-10am, please tune in!
Oh, and here's a link from today's show! Charles Daniel, the morning meteorologist filled in, so we got a little creative on his introduction! I also may have made a cameo! 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Day Back

This is my third job in the news business... and I must say, it's a charm! My first day back at the station went really well. Despite a few butterflies, I felt like I fit right back in as if I never left! It was so strange seeing the morning crew walk out as I was walking in. That used to be ME! Everyone was very welcoming and it was great to catch up with some faces I hadn't seen in a while.

Me with Sarah Snyder!

Me with Candace in the booth!

Best perk of the job: FREE FOOD! 
Shrimp and beef burgers from Flip Burger Boutique! 

Because this is a new show for me, I did more observing today than producing. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be back in the swing of things. When working on the morning newscast, all the stories were written on a very tight deadline, but with this show, majority of the content is produced days or sometimes even weeks ahead of time. 

Besides getting familiar with a new show, I'm also having to adjust to a new schedule. Getting up at 5 this morning was a little bit of a stretch, but I would MUCH rather get to work early and be able to leave early. I'm not sure how Pixie felt about taking her morning walk at the crack of dawn, but she sure was happy to see me when I got home!

I could write more, but the Bachelorette is about to come on... I know I know, judge all you want! I'm also about to crash, so falling asleep to 25 desperate men trying to win over 1 woman sounds like a plan.

One more thing, I am absolutely blown away by just how many calls, texts, facebook posts and Twitter mentions I received today wishing me luck. It truly shows just how many people really do care. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

As always, I will keep you posted as the next few weeks move along.

Happy Monday!

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Time Has Arrived

Tomorrow is the big day! I will be walking back into the news station for my "second first day" on the job. Although I've worked there before, I am still pretty anxious. I will have a whole new set of responsibilities to take on, as well as a whole new show to produce. The format will be completely different than what I'm used to, but I think the change will be right up my alley.

Starting a new job can usually be stressful, but luckily I've had a WHOLE week off to relax and regroup. During my temporary unemployment, I took a road trip to visit a friend. I had the time of my life and got to explore a new place that was absolutely beautiful with a great atmosphere. I also indulged in WAY too much delicious food... The best part of any vacation! It's been great to have time off, but I am the type of person that does better busy. When I have too much down time, I get stir crazy. I'd much rather be on the go all week, then have the weekend to recoup. I say this now... I'm sure I'll be begging for a vacation in no time!

I also got to spend some time with my parents. We had dinner to celebrate the last day at my old job and the start of a new one! A home cooked meal and champagne was plenty... But of course my mom and dad had to outdue themselves... They surprised me with an iPad! I was absolutely shocked! They figure I will get a lot of use out of it. They also said they were getting tired of me saying "Everyone at the station has one!" They even went as far as to personalize the back of it with:
It also came with a cover in my signature color... PINK! 

As for today, we celebrated Mother's Day of course! I baked my mom a Mandarin Orange cake with Pineapple frosting and bought her a new tennis outfit! My dad just celebrated a birthday as well, so I went with the always "safe" gift: an Alabama shirt. I have a lot to be thankful for today. I may not be a mother, but God has blessed me with THREE. Who can say they have three moms?! I have my birth mother, who chose to give me up for adoption versus the alternative, I have my adoptive mother who will always be "Mommy" to me, and then I have my Godmother, Linda, better known as L. Each woman has a significant role in my life, and I can only hope I can do the same for my children some day. 

 Mandarin Orange Cake
(Can't take credit for the's from Panera!)

I also took time today to stop by my mother's grave site. It was a long overdue visit. I knelt down and just talked to her for a little bit. I told her how much I wish she was still here, how a day doesn't go by that I don't miss her, and that even though she chose to leave this earth on her own terms, I don't hold it against her. The anger and guilt have all been forgiven. I know she looks down on me everyday and watches me grow. I see her everywhere I go. Whether it's the car she used to drive, or even just the smell of the lavender perfume she wore. She was a great mother, and I will always love her. 

Rebecca Conger Russell
Loving Mother

On a lighter note, I feel like tomorrow is the first day of school... I even have my outfit already picked out! It's going to be a very early start, I have to be in at 7. Good thing I have my new Tassimo to whip up a latte to go! As for now, it's time to wind down, thank God for the continuous love and blessings he has brought my way, and get a good night's sleep! Wish me luck and have a wonderful week!

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother."
Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Big Month Ahead

Happy May Day, everyone! This year is flying by! It seems like just yesterday I was decorating my Christmas tree and figuring out a New Year's resolution. If you have stuck by yours, good for you. I haven't been so loyal! 

The next few weeks should be interesting. Thursday will be my last day on the job until starting back at the station. I don't begin until May 14th, so I have a whole WEEK of freedom to get stuff done! I'm still working on a better work space in my apartment. Luckily my parents are lending a hand in the process. My mom is a great decorator, and my dad is an organization whiz, also known as a "Type A" personality. Between the 2 of them, the place is coming along! Check out my new rustic / vintage chair:

We also reorganized my living room. All this time I had it backwards due to the TV cable being on the wrong side of the wall! I have a ton of wall space to fill, but my mom whipped out these old, framed pictures of Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, which definitely added a touch of "Old Hollywood Glamour" to the place.

Besides some apartment therapy, I finally clicked the "PURCHASE" button on the Southwest website for a Bachelorette trip in Dallas this June. Luckily, I was able to find a pretty good deal... but it looks like the flight to Oklahoma for the actual wedding is going to cost a lot more! I also mailed out the party invites, which was a task all in itself! When I walked into the store to pick out invitations, there were only about a million different designs and layouts to choose from. If and when the "Big Day" ever comes for me, I'm going to close my eyes and just point at the wall of invitations! As for now, I think I'm set with being the Maid of Honor. 

Here's a picture of the invitation I finally decided on. I thought it was sweet n' sassy!

Thank you again to all my readers out there! A lot is going on this month, so expect more posts coming soon!

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."
Romans 8:25