Thursday, July 18, 2013

Iron is Good for the Heart

When you look back at your life, whether it's 6 months, a year, or even 5 to 10 years.... Who were you then? What were your beliefs, your morning routine, eating habits, hair color? So many factors change over time. Whatever the changes, some of them can be monumental. Whether it's something devastating that turned your world upside down... Or something positive, I believe the outcome is the same: it changes your perspective on life, and the ones you choose to be in it- or the people who choose you.

Recently, someone came into my life that is proof of that. He set is mind to a goal that most people can't even fathom. It mentally and physically changed (and challenged) his life in ways I don't think he even expected. I've always been motivated and determined to make the most out of my life, but I think sometimes we focus on the wrong areas. It's not about the money (unless you now have a mortgage to pay!) and it's not about the perception from others... I believe it's about finding your passion and chasing it and following what GOD has planned for you. Of course this is much easier said than done. But when you see someone do it first-hand, it makes you believe that you can do it, too.

Below are some pictures that might explain this better...

Meet Taylor... the Ironman!
For those of you who don't know what that is (I didn't really either) it's a globally recognized triathlon with the following distances:
SWIM: 2.4 Mile
BIKE: 112 Mile
RUN: 26.2 Mile (Full Marathon)
Out of breath, yet?

Mercedes Full & Half Marathons
I had to walk 3 blocks from my car to the finish line and was out of breath...

Buster Britton Memorial Triathlon... where it all began several years ago!
Taylor is NOT in the teeny-weeny-bikini...

The other sport he competes in... Garter Grabbin'

What's next. #bringit

Monday, May 13, 2013

In 1 Year's Time

Writing this blog has really put into perspective just how much can happen in a short amount of time. This time last year I was about to start back at ABC 33/40... Little did I know it would lead to so much more!

A year later, I still love producing Talk of Alabama - it's my baby! I get to spend my day booking anything from a 5-star restaurant... To comedians like experts... live music and a million other things! No day is the same on the show... And it's definitely taught me a whole different aspect of "rolling with the punches."

As mentioned in my last post, I recently started another position at the station as the traffic reporter for the morning show, Good Morning Alabama. As I am with any decision and change... I was definitely hesitant about taking on another responsibility... This time ON camera. I'm so glad I went through with it though, it's been a blast! I have a LONG ways to go... But everyday I feel a little more confident. I'm thankful I have positive and patient coworkers!

Besides work... I've had some other pretty exciting things going on. At the end of April, I become a first-time HOMEOWNER! As an HGTV viewer, naturally I thought looking for a house would be pretty similar to House Hunters... The realtor shows you a few houses, then there's an obvious decision! NEGATIVE. The process took longer than I expected and never did I experience a tension headache until I was faced with so many options. Eventually, I went with a house I liked from the start. It has a beautiful back deck, perfect for Pixie, and a BIG kitchen, perfect for cooking and baking! It's also a plus that I can pull into my garage and not have to hike up and down 3 flights of stairs. I'm still getting settled, but I love it already. Once it gets looking how I want it, I'll post more pictures.

These are all the updates I can type up right now... More to come soon!

"Love begins at home, and it's now what we do... But how much love we put in that action."
-Mother Teresa

I've gotten to meet and mentor several interns over the year, including these 2 VERY motivated students from Alabama - Chelsea and Leah. 

Flight Time Lang!

Shout out in Birmingham Magazine

First day on camera as "Traffic Jam Sam"

Group lunch at Mellow Mushroom... this was right after a FREEZING cold promo shoot for the Birmingham Barons

The new house!

The selling point for me, huge back deck!


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Next month will be TWO years since I moved back to Birmingham. It really does seem like yesterday I was cramming all my belongings into a UHaul and making the long drive from Oklahoma to Alabama. I was so excited to be moving back "home" and starting a new career. Little did I know... God had some major plans for me!

March 14th 2011: started work at ABC 33/40 as the producer for Good Morning Alabama

May 14th 2012: Started BACK at ABC 33/40 as the producer for Talk of Alabama

March 4th 2013: First day on camera as the new Traffic Reporter for Good Morning Alabama (along with still producing Talk of Alabama)

That last one was a REALLY BIG surprise and something I definitely was not planning!
When I was in college, my goal was to study broadcast journalism and be on camera. I had dreams of eventually replacing Erin Andrews out in the field, or Katie Couric on the news desk. While those are pretty big dreams... it's good to be realistic, too. I found myself on the other end of the camera, and absolutely loving it.

When offered the traffic position, I had to go with how I felt. I got in my car and immediately called my parents. I may be 25 years old, but I still confide in them. They try to stay neutral with big things like this, and not sway me either way, but I knew they felt the same way I did... excited!

This will be a whole new challenge... especially having to get in 2 hours earlier WITH my hair and makeup ready! I have a few weeks to train and learn the new graphics program, so hopefully I can be well prepared by March.

I will still be producing Talk of Alabama along with this new opportunity, I will just be getting into the station a few hours earlier, and leaving a little bit earlier.

I've prayed about this decision and feel God brought this to my path for a reason.... so why not take it?

Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them, or you stay afraid of taking them.
-Jim Carrey

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Lot Can Happen

You move, meet someone, leave a job, start a new one, cut your hair, change your views... a lot can happen in a year. Not all of those listed refer to me, but a few do.

This time last year I was working at a job I knew was temporary, just trying to figure out what was "next." There were several instances where I thought my life was going to lead one way, and it went the direct opposite. Some were positive changes, while others were negative. In a few instances, I knew better. It's easy to be influenced by the people you let in your life, and it's easy to ignore your conscious when you're temporarily happy.

The biggest lesson I learned in the past year was the only person responsible for your happiness is YOURSELF. It's ironic, because someone else told me that. It took getting hurt and let down to figure out that I had a choice, and that choice was me. It might sound selfish, but you have to put yourself first sometimes. Especially when you're more concerned about pleasing others. So if you haven't caught on yet, my New Year's Resolution is to stop worrying about what makes everyone else happy.

Before New Year's was of course Christmas! I was extremely fortunate to have the day off work. On Christmas Eve we aired a recording of Talk of Alabama that we had previously recorded to "look live." I even had some air-time on a story I did at a local train museum and it's "North Pole Express." It was a rush being in front of the camera! You can watch it here - but the link will only stay active for a few weeks.

I may be 25, but I still spent the night at my parents house on Christmas Eve. Like many families, we woke up early, opened presents, ate and just spent a lazy day at home! You know you're getting old when your favorite gifts are a crock pot and a heart rate monitor.

I also had New Year's Day off thanks to the Rose Bowl Parade that aired during the show's regular hour. I was actually able to not only go out on New Year's Eve, but also stay up late enough to ring in the new year!

So much happened in 2012, I can only imagine what 2013 has in store. I used to have my life on a "timeline" of when everything was suppose to happen... but that's impossible. Timing is everything, but it's not on my watch... it's on His.

Happy New Year, everyone!

My story on "The North Pole Express" 
Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum, Calera

What my mom got my dad for Christmas... Signed and everything!

 I love Him so much!

Me & my neighbor for a Tacky Christmas Party
Yes, she is wearing a wig.

Can't forget Pixie... she turned 3 December 30th!
That's a Puppy Cappuccino (whipped cream) she is eating!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Memory Lane

Studies have proven that "Blue Monday" actually exists. If you're unfamiliar with the term, you must have magic coffee beans. For most people, it's the hardest day of the week. Your weekend is over, your work has just begun and Friday is too far away.

Every morning on the way to work, I try to take a second to pray. I turn my music down and just talk to God. I ask him to help me get through whatever my day consists of. Whether it's work related or something personal, I take those few minutes to get everything off my chest.

With the holidays here, "Blue Monday" seems to last a little longer. I can't help but to get down. Being back in Birmingham has been amazing. The decision to move home was the right one and has brought many great things my way. On the other hand, it reminds me of the life I used to have here. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but memories always flood back this time of year. It's during the holidays that you make those memories, and I can't help but to miss them.

When half your life is spent with one family, and the other with another, you build twice as many memories and traditions. Looking at it that way, I shouldn't be complaining! But have you ever driven down an unfamiliar road, and then all of a sudden, think "Oh wait! I know where I am now!" 
I get that feeling a lot. I'll be driving somewhere, and BAM, a memory pops up. You feel great for that one second, but then you miss the meaning behind it. 

I remember going to the Galleria on Christmas Eve and riding the carousel, attending the candle light service at our church, and getting to choose one present under the tree to open before going to bed. 
I'll never forgot my last Christmas morning in Birmingham. I came downstairs to see the one present I had wanted most - a mountain bike. It was a silver and black Diamond Back and it was beautiful. I actually still have it!

Over the weekend, I ran across some old photo albums and found a "Christmas Memories Book" my mother wrote in each year. It has sections to write about Holiday Visits, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. 
Christmas Dinner, Special Gifts and Things We Want to Remember, along with spaces for pictures.

As I read my way through, I want to share with you the last entry my mother wrote under 
Things We Want to Remember:

Samantha screams when she saw the mountain bike that Santa left!!!
Samantha in her third Galleria Lighting Ceremony.
Samantha in her first Nutcracker as a Cake Carrier!
Lynlee was a Trumpeteer in the same 2 performances!
New Year's Eve!! Quail Run Friends Party!!
The adults partied at the Pritchett's home and the kids at the Holmes' house. Close to midnight we all came "here" for hot chocolate, champagne and FIREWORKS!

For the first few things listed, I seem to be the common theme. But doesn't that sound perfect? Maybe it just does to me, because I remember all of it. The feeling, the smells, even the hot chocolate and fireworks. 

Now that we're all older, times have changed. It's sad... but many of those families are no longer together, or have lost loved ones. Most of the neighborhood friends have moved away are grown apart. But I have no doubt, they remember those years spent together. 

I've had many Christmas celebrations since then, and each one has a special meaning. I am beyond fortunate to spend it with the family(ies) God intended me to be with. 

Christmas- that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but it will be a day of remembrance- a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
-Augusta E. Rundel

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tis' The Season

Is it just me, or do we start to celebrate Christmas earlier and earlier each year? I'm not against it, but putting your lights up before carving your turkey is pushing it!
I ran into my neighbor the other night who was all in a frenzy about not having her tree and decorations up yet. I had to remind her that it wasn't even December!

As for Thanksgiving, I was able to spend a day filled with food (literally), family and more food. Who can't love a holiday that encourages eating as much as possible? I was SO thankful to get the day off... But let me tell you, it required a lot more work beforehand! We had to book and record a whole new show just to air on the holiday. It required double the work in a day's time.
Below are some pictures from Talk of Alabama during November.

Our live show from "The Market" event 

This is where I watch the show when we are live on site - it's inside a satellite truck!

Recognize this guy? Taylor Hicks joined us for a performance one morning!

Although I didn't go into the station, I still woke up bright n' early to get everything in order. This year, I was in charge of the sweet potato casserole. This is a Thanksgiving STAPLE, so it had to be perfect! But if you know me, I had to do more than just one dish.... so I decided to make 2 other things, that weren't so traditional: a pineapple casserole and chocolate chip cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. I actually had the pineapple casserole when I was at another potluck. After my first bite, I literally said "I HAVE to have this recipe for my family Thanksgiving!" The girl who made it said is was from the Paula Deen cookbook, so you really can't go wrong with a recipe that has BUTTER as the main ingredient.

As for the cupcakes, who doesn't love peanut butter? If you don't, just stop reading. The cake part was simple, but the icing is what made them a hit! I even sprinkled some Reese's Pieces and Heath Bar on top just to induce that sugar coma.

Cupcakes & Sweet Potato Casserole... "Made with Love!"

Homemade Apple Pie I made for our work potluck!

You know those professionally iced cookies you see in bakeries? Well I was determined to try it myself!
Here's some fall leaf sugar cookies with "Royal Icing"

Food aside, It's already the first week of December and Christmas will be here before we know it! Luckily, I got a head start on my shopping list and have just a few things left to buy. Your parents are always the hardest... they already have everything and when you ask them what they want, it's always "I don't need anything." I would say what I have gotten them so far, but I'm pretty sure my mom reads this... Hey L!

What do I want for Christmas this year? I'm afraid if I went into detail, it would turn into a Lifetime movie. But you can never go wrong with shoes and clothes!

To wrap it up, November was a busy, busy, BUSY month and December is looking the same way! Who's ready for 2013?

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. 
Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Home Sweet Oklahoma

In July of 2000, I moved to Oklahoma. I was 12 years old and about to start junior high. My biggest concern was making new friends before school started.
Despite my fears, I was thrown a "Welcome to Enid" pool party at the local country club! It was a very sweet gesture, but also a little awkward attending your own party when you don't know a soul. Fortunately, I was given the "gift of gab" and I've never met a stranger. By the end of the day I was flipping off the diving board and making plans with new friends.

These are the memories that came to mind over the weekend. One of my best friends got married. I met her during that summer and we've been close ever since. It's cliche to say this, but it really does seem like yesterday. I remember going to Hastings in our pajamas to rent movies, pigging out on Oreo's and ice cream,  talking about our crushes and plenty of sleepless sleepovers. I remember when we both tried out and made the cheerleading squad together. We were so excited to wear our uniforms to school!
I can even recall when we got our first cell phones. We both had those huge Nokias that you could play Snake on. We would call each other back and forth just so we could test out our new ringtones!

These are just a glimmer of the times we spent together, but I will never forget the feeling of being accepted. Lindsay was one of my first friends, and not once did she ever question or judge why I had moved to Oklahoma in the first place.

Although I've moved back to Birmingham and have always referred to it as home, Oklahoma has a part of me, too. I flew back last weekend to be a bridesmaid in Lindsay's wedding and it really sank in just how much I miss it and the people. It was so amazing to be a part of the ceremony. From the rehearsal dinner, to doing our hair and makeup, to watching Lindsay and Mark say their vows to one another, I'm grateful I was able to witness it.

Despite the ups and downs in life, I'm still a romantic and still believe in Happily Ever After. I still hope to meet the love-of-my-life one day and also win the lottery... Which one is more realistic? Who knows! But I do know God presents the situations in your life to shape who you are. He places the people in your life for the same reason. Be happy for those around you. Be Happy for yourself.

"Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes."
Hugh Prather

 Bride and Bridesmaids!


 Me & Maggie - Another one of my 1st Oklahoma friends

 Pre-wedding cheers to calm a few nerves...

 One last touch up!

Still one of my closest friends, Collins. 
We were a "couple" back in the 7th grade!