Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter, Weddings & FOOD!

Hooray! We're halfway through the work week! That is, unless you work weekends and Wednesday is in no way significant to you. But you're not alone, I'm working this weekend too. I even have to work on EASTER. EASTER! If you really think about it, Easter should be celebrated just as big, if not bigger, than Christmas. I'm not saying this because I want an excuse to get off work, but because it celebrates someone RISING FROM THE DEAD! Sure, Christmas is important because that's when our Savior was born, but it's not every day that someone comes back to life! Anyway, that's a rant for another time.

Right now, I'm enjoying a lazy night at home. Wednesday is my show night, AKA: Modern Family. If you've never watched it, I highly recommend it! Usually I'm the kind of person who has to be busy and on the go 24/7, but I enjoy some down time every once and a while. It gives me some one-on-one time with Pixie - my pug who I often refer to as my "child" or "baby." So don't get confused, I do not have an actual kid. I realize this will most likely make me sound a little crazy, but she's a great listener. She looks at my with those bug eyes, and I know she really understands. Plus, she can't talk back or argue. Therefore, I'm always right. 

Besides pondering what to cook for dinner, I'm also scouring the internet for good flight deals. I'm the Maid of Honor for a wedding coming up in June that just happens to be in Oklahoma! I haven't been back in a year, so I'm really looking forward to it. But before the wedding is the Bachelorette party, which is in Dallas. So if anyone has some racked up Southwest points or vouchers, contact me IMMEDIATELY! 

I'm also taking time tonight to find some new recipes to try out. Lately I've been trying to become a little more "domestic." Let me tell you, unless you were born with a wooden spoon in your mouth (as opposed to a silver one) it's no easy task! Examples of this include: almost catching your apartment on fire by putting potatoes on WAX PAPER in the OVEN, overheating chocolate instead of melting it and ruining an entire casserole with the "broil" option. Those are sadly just a few. And you thought I was little Betty Crocker? That's only because I post my SUCCESSES on facebook and twitter. I wouldn't dare post a picture of scorched muffins! 
Here are some of my better moments in the kitchen:

My specialty, Oreo Balls. These were extra special since I made them for a Bama tailgate.

 I made these guys for a Christmas party. Thanks, Pinterest!

Red, White, Blue & Delicious! 

Pumpkin Spice Muffins. Don't let the fancy icing fool you, the muffins only had 3 ingredients, EASY! 

As you can see, I have a sweet tooth! I guess what I should really start focusing on is how to cook actual meals... but for now I'm still sticking with the excuse of "it's hard to cook for one!" If you have any good recipes, please share!

If I don't write again before Sunday, I wish you all a Happy Easter! If you're in your mid-twenties like me, and still get an Easter Basket from mom and dad, you're awesome.
If you're a parent and reading this, just give in and do it another year! It makes us feel special :)

1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

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