Sunday, December 9, 2012

Memory Lane

Studies have proven that "Blue Monday" actually exists. If you're unfamiliar with the term, you must have magic coffee beans. For most people, it's the hardest day of the week. Your weekend is over, your work has just begun and Friday is too far away.

Every morning on the way to work, I try to take a second to pray. I turn my music down and just talk to God. I ask him to help me get through whatever my day consists of. Whether it's work related or something personal, I take those few minutes to get everything off my chest.

With the holidays here, "Blue Monday" seems to last a little longer. I can't help but to get down. Being back in Birmingham has been amazing. The decision to move home was the right one and has brought many great things my way. On the other hand, it reminds me of the life I used to have here. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but memories always flood back this time of year. It's during the holidays that you make those memories, and I can't help but to miss them.

When half your life is spent with one family, and the other with another, you build twice as many memories and traditions. Looking at it that way, I shouldn't be complaining! But have you ever driven down an unfamiliar road, and then all of a sudden, think "Oh wait! I know where I am now!" 
I get that feeling a lot. I'll be driving somewhere, and BAM, a memory pops up. You feel great for that one second, but then you miss the meaning behind it. 

I remember going to the Galleria on Christmas Eve and riding the carousel, attending the candle light service at our church, and getting to choose one present under the tree to open before going to bed. 
I'll never forgot my last Christmas morning in Birmingham. I came downstairs to see the one present I had wanted most - a mountain bike. It was a silver and black Diamond Back and it was beautiful. I actually still have it!

Over the weekend, I ran across some old photo albums and found a "Christmas Memories Book" my mother wrote in each year. It has sections to write about Holiday Visits, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. 
Christmas Dinner, Special Gifts and Things We Want to Remember, along with spaces for pictures.

As I read my way through, I want to share with you the last entry my mother wrote under 
Things We Want to Remember:

Samantha screams when she saw the mountain bike that Santa left!!!
Samantha in her third Galleria Lighting Ceremony.
Samantha in her first Nutcracker as a Cake Carrier!
Lynlee was a Trumpeteer in the same 2 performances!
New Year's Eve!! Quail Run Friends Party!!
The adults partied at the Pritchett's home and the kids at the Holmes' house. Close to midnight we all came "here" for hot chocolate, champagne and FIREWORKS!

For the first few things listed, I seem to be the common theme. But doesn't that sound perfect? Maybe it just does to me, because I remember all of it. The feeling, the smells, even the hot chocolate and fireworks. 

Now that we're all older, times have changed. It's sad... but many of those families are no longer together, or have lost loved ones. Most of the neighborhood friends have moved away are grown apart. But I have no doubt, they remember those years spent together. 

I've had many Christmas celebrations since then, and each one has a special meaning. I am beyond fortunate to spend it with the family(ies) God intended me to be with. 

Christmas- that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but it will be a day of remembrance- a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
-Augusta E. Rundel

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tis' The Season

Is it just me, or do we start to celebrate Christmas earlier and earlier each year? I'm not against it, but putting your lights up before carving your turkey is pushing it!
I ran into my neighbor the other night who was all in a frenzy about not having her tree and decorations up yet. I had to remind her that it wasn't even December!

As for Thanksgiving, I was able to spend a day filled with food (literally), family and more food. Who can't love a holiday that encourages eating as much as possible? I was SO thankful to get the day off... But let me tell you, it required a lot more work beforehand! We had to book and record a whole new show just to air on the holiday. It required double the work in a day's time.
Below are some pictures from Talk of Alabama during November.

Our live show from "The Market" event 

This is where I watch the show when we are live on site - it's inside a satellite truck!

Recognize this guy? Taylor Hicks joined us for a performance one morning!

Although I didn't go into the station, I still woke up bright n' early to get everything in order. This year, I was in charge of the sweet potato casserole. This is a Thanksgiving STAPLE, so it had to be perfect! But if you know me, I had to do more than just one dish.... so I decided to make 2 other things, that weren't so traditional: a pineapple casserole and chocolate chip cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. I actually had the pineapple casserole when I was at another potluck. After my first bite, I literally said "I HAVE to have this recipe for my family Thanksgiving!" The girl who made it said is was from the Paula Deen cookbook, so you really can't go wrong with a recipe that has BUTTER as the main ingredient.

As for the cupcakes, who doesn't love peanut butter? If you don't, just stop reading. The cake part was simple, but the icing is what made them a hit! I even sprinkled some Reese's Pieces and Heath Bar on top just to induce that sugar coma.

Cupcakes & Sweet Potato Casserole... "Made with Love!"

Homemade Apple Pie I made for our work potluck!

You know those professionally iced cookies you see in bakeries? Well I was determined to try it myself!
Here's some fall leaf sugar cookies with "Royal Icing"

Food aside, It's already the first week of December and Christmas will be here before we know it! Luckily, I got a head start on my shopping list and have just a few things left to buy. Your parents are always the hardest... they already have everything and when you ask them what they want, it's always "I don't need anything." I would say what I have gotten them so far, but I'm pretty sure my mom reads this... Hey L!

What do I want for Christmas this year? I'm afraid if I went into detail, it would turn into a Lifetime movie. But you can never go wrong with shoes and clothes!

To wrap it up, November was a busy, busy, BUSY month and December is looking the same way! Who's ready for 2013?

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. 
Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Home Sweet Oklahoma

In July of 2000, I moved to Oklahoma. I was 12 years old and about to start junior high. My biggest concern was making new friends before school started.
Despite my fears, I was thrown a "Welcome to Enid" pool party at the local country club! It was a very sweet gesture, but also a little awkward attending your own party when you don't know a soul. Fortunately, I was given the "gift of gab" and I've never met a stranger. By the end of the day I was flipping off the diving board and making plans with new friends.

These are the memories that came to mind over the weekend. One of my best friends got married. I met her during that summer and we've been close ever since. It's cliche to say this, but it really does seem like yesterday. I remember going to Hastings in our pajamas to rent movies, pigging out on Oreo's and ice cream,  talking about our crushes and plenty of sleepless sleepovers. I remember when we both tried out and made the cheerleading squad together. We were so excited to wear our uniforms to school!
I can even recall when we got our first cell phones. We both had those huge Nokias that you could play Snake on. We would call each other back and forth just so we could test out our new ringtones!

These are just a glimmer of the times we spent together, but I will never forget the feeling of being accepted. Lindsay was one of my first friends, and not once did she ever question or judge why I had moved to Oklahoma in the first place.

Although I've moved back to Birmingham and have always referred to it as home, Oklahoma has a part of me, too. I flew back last weekend to be a bridesmaid in Lindsay's wedding and it really sank in just how much I miss it and the people. It was so amazing to be a part of the ceremony. From the rehearsal dinner, to doing our hair and makeup, to watching Lindsay and Mark say their vows to one another, I'm grateful I was able to witness it.

Despite the ups and downs in life, I'm still a romantic and still believe in Happily Ever After. I still hope to meet the love-of-my-life one day and also win the lottery... Which one is more realistic? Who knows! But I do know God presents the situations in your life to shape who you are. He places the people in your life for the same reason. Be happy for those around you. Be Happy for yourself.

"Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes."
Hugh Prather

 Bride and Bridesmaids!


 Me & Maggie - Another one of my 1st Oklahoma friends

 Pre-wedding cheers to calm a few nerves...

 One last touch up!

Still one of my closest friends, Collins. 
We were a "couple" back in the 7th grade!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

25 Years

This time last year, I had just "turned over a new leaf"... or so I thought. I left working in television and began a new job completely out of left field. Well now it's a year later and what I thought was a new start, was really just a detour that led to something even better.

It's so easy to get discouraged and to ask God why he's taking you down a path you don't want to travel on. For me, sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of the woods, frantically looking at the signs pointing to all the different trails. Which one? Where will this lead me? Will I get lost? Will I find my way out? I tend to pressure myself to find the answer. I feel like if I don't search for the solution, I'll end up with the worst possible outcome. Time and time again, God has proven this theory wrong. He continues to guide me exactly where He wants me to go. Talk about a personal GPS.

25 years later, here I am! If you think you know everything about yourself... think again. I thought I did at ages 13...18...21... and so on. Just in the past year I've learned:

  • Punctuality is my BIGGEST pet peeve
  • I love to bake
  • My parents really do know what's best
  • Saving vs. Spending 
  • I only like coffee when it's made by someone else
  • I can't eat mac n' cheese as much as I want anymore
  • I have a short attention span (Ok - that one isn't new)
  • If it looks good on you, buy it in BLACK - not every color
  • If it looks good on HGTV, it doesn't mean it will look good in your 1 bedroom apartment
  • I have high cholesterol... thanks genetics
  • I've acquired a taste for red wine.. You know, to help the heart (Physically and emotionally!)

I'll stop there... because I know the list will be twice as long when I get to 30. Which is a LONG WAYS AWAY. For now, I'm going to sit in the passenger seat and let God drive. I'm horrible at directions anyway. (1 Cheesy insert allowed per post).

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

They're called God Parents for a reason. 
They've supported since day 1. 

Birthday dinner with some friends at Five!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Unofficial Start of Fall

There seems to be a reoccurring theme on when I write a new post: Easter, Fourth of July, Labor Day. I guess Halloween will be next. Speaking of which, today is the unofficial start of fall - my favorite time of year! We get a break from the heat and humidity, pumpkin and cinnamon flavors are welcomed back, weekends are spent watching football and I get to whip out my favorite pair of sweater pants. Yes, pants that feel like a sweater. If I could wear them to work, I would. On second thought, I believe I HAVE worn them to work when I was on the overnight shift. That's neither here nor there, though.

Besides weather, food and fashion, I also turn a quarter of a century old soon! Yep, the big 2-5. I know that's still pretty young, but it's a milestone, right?? Looking back, 25 seemed "SO OLD" but looking forward, it seems just the opposite. I still have so much I want to accomplish during this time... but where do I even start? I guess I have the rest of my life to figure that out.

This is the time of year is when I miss my mother the most. She LOVED thinking of creative birthday and Halloween parties for me. One year when I was in elementary school, she made spaghetti for "brains"and peeled grapes for "eyeballs" and let us go through a line blindfolded, feeling all the "ooey-gooey" stuff. I only hope I can be that fun for my kids someday.

As for work, I couldn't be in a better place. Nicole is back from maternity leave and a new format and flow is coming together. After the Fourth of July themed show, I decided our next project would be "Back to School" themed. Instead of doing it in-studio, I wanted to take it outside and do it remotely from a local park. We had cheerleaders, a marching band, healthy lunches to pack for the kids, a fashion show and even some pointers on homework help. Unfortunately, it rained the day of the show! And I don't mean a sprinkle or two, but the bottom fell out! We had to make a lot of last minute changes and had several technical difficulties... but that's the nature of the beast in live television!

So what's my next project? FOOTBALL! The Friday before the Iron Bowl (Alabama v. Auburn) we're going to do an Alabama/Auburn Talk of Alabama. I'm going to try to make it even, but don't be surprised to see a little more crimson than orange!

Until next time!

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see.
-Corrie Ten Boom

 Me and Nicole before the Back to School Show!

What it takes to GO LIVE

Does this even need a caption? 
Too bad they were from Canada....

Had to get creative on how to rep both schools!

Friday, July 20, 2012

July Jubilee

I can't believe it's the middle of July, where has the summer gone? I definitely took the days of being in school for granted and having THREE months off. What did I do with my time? I would probably go stir crazy now. Regardless, I envy two groups of people this time of year: students and teachers. 

As for the weather, I love the heat- but only when I'm laying on the beach with a Pina Colada in tow. That is unfortunately not the case. On the other hand, I did have a wonderful Fourth of July. I had to work, but I worked hard enough that I was able to leave early and spend the rest of the afternoon poolside with some friends! It also gave me the excuse to indulge in an American classic... a hamburger! I don't get to cookout much since I live in an apartment, so I loaded it up and ate way too much. it was totally worth it. 

After getting some sun, we ventured out to a local vineyard for wine tasting, live music and fireworks. Can't get much better than that! Although I'm usually a fan of vino, the Muscadine grapevines down here in the South are just a little too sweet for me. 

Me and my other half, Lynlee, at the vineyard

I mentioned in my last post that I was planning a Fourth of July themed show at work. It ended up going great! We had some holiday trivia, red, white and blue popsicles, fireworks (no, not on set), firecracker flavored frozen yogurt, patriotic party tips and a Skype from San Destin for a fun family getaway! The popsicles and fro-yo were obviously my favorite segments. My next themed show will be "Back to School" and I'm hoping to go live from a local park... stay tuned!

4th of July show! Yummy Sangria Pops with Martie Duncan from 
Food Network Star & Chef Scottie

Charles getting "Slimed" live on the show!

Glenn Guist from "Swamp People" came on the show!
His favorite meal? Squirrel n' Dumplins...

Besides fireworks, food and fine wine, I'm still making headway on my apartment. I painted over a wall that I previously painted blue (I think it reflected how I felt at the time) and painted 3 other walls. I went with "City Scape" grey. I can't decide if I chose the color because it's all I've seen on Pinterest lately, or if it has to do with a certain book I'm reading. Either way... it looks great! I also repainted a table, put up new curtains and rearranged a bit. It's a slow process, but it's coming along. I would post pictures, but my iPhone camera just doesn't do it justice!

As for myself, I've been reflecting a lot on just how much can change in a year's time. It's scary... but good. People don't always like change, or like to venture outside of their comfort zone, but you risk the chance of missing out on something if you don't. It takes trust in yourself, trust in others and most importantly, it takes trust in God.  

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Call Me J-Lo

It's been a few weeks since I've taken time to write a new post... but when you write for a living, sometimes it's the last thing you want to do when you have free time!

I've been back at ABC for a little over a month, and it's still going great. I've gotten more comfortable with the flow of things and have a few projects in the works...One being a 4th of July themed show. Even though it falls on a Wednesday, we still go live! You're either employed in television or in the medical field when working on a holiday isn't given a second thought. So far we're going to have a red, white and blue fashion show, of course some holiday-themed food and I'm hoping to get the green light to play with some "baby" fire crackers and sparklers for one segment. As long as I'm not handling any explosives, nothing or no one should catch on fire... seriously.

Although it would be nice to have the holiday off, I've learned that taking a day off work is MORE work than not. Last Thursday I flew out to Oklahoma City for one of my best friend's wedding. I was her Maid of Honor... and if you've never been one, it's a big, huge, ENORMOUS responsibility! Once arriving in the Windy City (yes, I realize that's the nickname for Chicago, but it's WAY more fitting for Oklahoma City- or all of the state for that matter) it was non-stop. From arranging table arrangements and bouquets, to transforming a basketball gym into a reception hall, it was no easy feat! This is also where the title of the post comes into play. When taking on my M.O.H. duties, I quickly earned the name J-Lo. At first I thought I was being mocked for my "rather large" backside, but then came to find out it was because of Jennifer Lopez's movie, The Wedding Planner. If only I had Matthew McConaughey by my side... 

Back to reality: I was able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with the bride, Nicole, before the big day, and most importantly, was able to be a part of the wedding itself. It was a full Catholic Mass ceremony, and it was absolutely beautiful. Although it was more detailed than most, with lots of sitting and standing, singing and praying, it went off without a hitch! Well I take that back, the bride and groom got hitched! Corny, but you know you laughed.

The reception was of course my favorite part... since that's the part with the wedding cake. I also gave my Maid of Honor speech. I was really nervous since there were so many people there, but it went well. I was also able to catch up with a lot of good friends and sorority sisters from college. It's like I never left! Last but not least I caught the bouquet! I would say I snatched it fair and square, but when when all the other girls back up to let you catch it... well maybe not so much.

After a long but wonderful weekend, I finally made it back home. My flight was delayed THREE times. I really thought I was going to miss my connecting flight, but after Home-Aloning it through the Atlanta Airport, I actually made it on board to Birmingham! If only "Run, Run Rudolph" was playing during my sprint. 

That's enough writing for one day... I can't get burnt out when it's only Monday.
Until next time!

Gym to Reception Hall Transformation
Hand Made Bouquets & Reception Cups

Nicole's Last Night as a Single Lady!

Right Before the Ceremony

Friday, May 18, 2012

Survived Week 1

I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but I made it through my first week on the job! Although each day presented a new challenge, each day also became a little more manageable.

I had to relearn how to work ENPS (Essential News Production System - the computer program used to write, format, make graphics and produce a newscast) which was a task all in itself. Imagine not getting on facebook or Microsoft Office for 6 months, it would probably take a while to remember how to navigate it! I also had to get comfortable in the control room again. Also known as the booth, it's where the producer watches the show and makes sure everything runs smoothly. While in the booth, the producer is responsible for giving constant time cues to anchors, making sure the show stays on time and hits commercial breaks, as well as giving direction if and when anything doesn't go as planned.

Here's a shot of ENPS from Thursday's show. 

This was taken in the booth from where I sit!

Besides the technical side, there's a lot of booking involved. Each day, I have up to eight 3-4 minute segments to fill. They can be interviews, performances, cooking, you name it! Regardless, the show depends on OTHER people showing up. A lot of my time is spent finding, asking and confirming guests to come on the show. Luckily, I have several "regulars" that appear weekly. 

The whole week I had another producer helping me relearn the ropes, Thanks Candace! But come Monday, I am SOLO! It's a little awkward timing, because Nicole, the co-host that has been on the show the longest, left for Maternity leave this week. Not only is she gone for the next 6-8 weeks, but a new co-host just joined the show, so everyone is brand new! At least this way we can all learn together. 

I have a lot on my plate, (literally, there's a chef on the show everyday... it's next to impossible not to indulge in whatever food they whip up), but I'm ready to get creative and implement some new ideas.

I want to thank everyone at the station who helped me out, as well as everyone's support! If you live in the area, and happen to be home from 9-10am, please tune in!
Oh, and here's a link from today's show! Charles Daniel, the morning meteorologist filled in, so we got a little creative on his introduction! I also may have made a cameo! 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Day Back

This is my third job in the news business... and I must say, it's a charm! My first day back at the station went really well. Despite a few butterflies, I felt like I fit right back in as if I never left! It was so strange seeing the morning crew walk out as I was walking in. That used to be ME! Everyone was very welcoming and it was great to catch up with some faces I hadn't seen in a while.

Me with Sarah Snyder!

Me with Candace in the booth!

Best perk of the job: FREE FOOD! 
Shrimp and beef burgers from Flip Burger Boutique! 

Because this is a new show for me, I did more observing today than producing. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be back in the swing of things. When working on the morning newscast, all the stories were written on a very tight deadline, but with this show, majority of the content is produced days or sometimes even weeks ahead of time. 

Besides getting familiar with a new show, I'm also having to adjust to a new schedule. Getting up at 5 this morning was a little bit of a stretch, but I would MUCH rather get to work early and be able to leave early. I'm not sure how Pixie felt about taking her morning walk at the crack of dawn, but she sure was happy to see me when I got home!

I could write more, but the Bachelorette is about to come on... I know I know, judge all you want! I'm also about to crash, so falling asleep to 25 desperate men trying to win over 1 woman sounds like a plan.

One more thing, I am absolutely blown away by just how many calls, texts, facebook posts and Twitter mentions I received today wishing me luck. It truly shows just how many people really do care. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

As always, I will keep you posted as the next few weeks move along.

Happy Monday!

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Time Has Arrived

Tomorrow is the big day! I will be walking back into the news station for my "second first day" on the job. Although I've worked there before, I am still pretty anxious. I will have a whole new set of responsibilities to take on, as well as a whole new show to produce. The format will be completely different than what I'm used to, but I think the change will be right up my alley.

Starting a new job can usually be stressful, but luckily I've had a WHOLE week off to relax and regroup. During my temporary unemployment, I took a road trip to visit a friend. I had the time of my life and got to explore a new place that was absolutely beautiful with a great atmosphere. I also indulged in WAY too much delicious food... The best part of any vacation! It's been great to have time off, but I am the type of person that does better busy. When I have too much down time, I get stir crazy. I'd much rather be on the go all week, then have the weekend to recoup. I say this now... I'm sure I'll be begging for a vacation in no time!

I also got to spend some time with my parents. We had dinner to celebrate the last day at my old job and the start of a new one! A home cooked meal and champagne was plenty... But of course my mom and dad had to outdue themselves... They surprised me with an iPad! I was absolutely shocked! They figure I will get a lot of use out of it. They also said they were getting tired of me saying "Everyone at the station has one!" They even went as far as to personalize the back of it with:
It also came with a cover in my signature color... PINK! 

As for today, we celebrated Mother's Day of course! I baked my mom a Mandarin Orange cake with Pineapple frosting and bought her a new tennis outfit! My dad just celebrated a birthday as well, so I went with the always "safe" gift: an Alabama shirt. I have a lot to be thankful for today. I may not be a mother, but God has blessed me with THREE. Who can say they have three moms?! I have my birth mother, who chose to give me up for adoption versus the alternative, I have my adoptive mother who will always be "Mommy" to me, and then I have my Godmother, Linda, better known as L. Each woman has a significant role in my life, and I can only hope I can do the same for my children some day. 

 Mandarin Orange Cake
(Can't take credit for the's from Panera!)

I also took time today to stop by my mother's grave site. It was a long overdue visit. I knelt down and just talked to her for a little bit. I told her how much I wish she was still here, how a day doesn't go by that I don't miss her, and that even though she chose to leave this earth on her own terms, I don't hold it against her. The anger and guilt have all been forgiven. I know she looks down on me everyday and watches me grow. I see her everywhere I go. Whether it's the car she used to drive, or even just the smell of the lavender perfume she wore. She was a great mother, and I will always love her. 

Rebecca Conger Russell
Loving Mother

On a lighter note, I feel like tomorrow is the first day of school... I even have my outfit already picked out! It's going to be a very early start, I have to be in at 7. Good thing I have my new Tassimo to whip up a latte to go! As for now, it's time to wind down, thank God for the continuous love and blessings he has brought my way, and get a good night's sleep! Wish me luck and have a wonderful week!

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother."
Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Big Month Ahead

Happy May Day, everyone! This year is flying by! It seems like just yesterday I was decorating my Christmas tree and figuring out a New Year's resolution. If you have stuck by yours, good for you. I haven't been so loyal! 

The next few weeks should be interesting. Thursday will be my last day on the job until starting back at the station. I don't begin until May 14th, so I have a whole WEEK of freedom to get stuff done! I'm still working on a better work space in my apartment. Luckily my parents are lending a hand in the process. My mom is a great decorator, and my dad is an organization whiz, also known as a "Type A" personality. Between the 2 of them, the place is coming along! Check out my new rustic / vintage chair:

We also reorganized my living room. All this time I had it backwards due to the TV cable being on the wrong side of the wall! I have a ton of wall space to fill, but my mom whipped out these old, framed pictures of Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, which definitely added a touch of "Old Hollywood Glamour" to the place.

Besides some apartment therapy, I finally clicked the "PURCHASE" button on the Southwest website for a Bachelorette trip in Dallas this June. Luckily, I was able to find a pretty good deal... but it looks like the flight to Oklahoma for the actual wedding is going to cost a lot more! I also mailed out the party invites, which was a task all in itself! When I walked into the store to pick out invitations, there were only about a million different designs and layouts to choose from. If and when the "Big Day" ever comes for me, I'm going to close my eyes and just point at the wall of invitations! As for now, I think I'm set with being the Maid of Honor. 

Here's a picture of the invitation I finally decided on. I thought it was sweet n' sassy!

Thank you again to all my readers out there! A lot is going on this month, so expect more posts coming soon!

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."
Romans 8:25

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shoes That Can Support

To me, one of the best feelings is to know you have support. And boy do I ever! I am so thankful for the overwhelming response to my job announcement. It's even more reassuring that it is the right move for me. Whether you are a friend I grew up with, a colleague, former coworker or just happened to stumble upon my blog, I am extremely thankful for your kind words and encouragement. 

Before I hit the ground running, there are several things I have to finish. I gave 2 weeks notice at my current job this week, so my official last day will be next Thursday. It will be a very bittersweet goodbye. I worked with THREE other women and believe it or not, we all got along great! I will also miss seeing the other familiar faces that came into the office regularly. Although I don't believe customer service is my forte', I really enjoyed interacting and talking (duh) with other people. 

I'm also trying to get a better office or work space organized and decorated in my apartment. Of course all my inspiration comes from either Pinterest or Pottery Barn, so I'm not sure how realistic my goals are. My mom and dad are all about HGTV, so they will be helping with the process!

Last but certainly not least, with a new job comes new clothes... right? Well if not, that's going to be my excuse for a little retail therapy! I may not be the one in front of the camera, but a cute pair of shoes is vital. Carrie Bradshaw would definitely back me up on this one. 

Again, thank you for all of your support. I look forward to keeping you posted on life, work and everything in between!

"The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun."
Carrie Bradshaw
Sex and the City

Monday, April 23, 2012

Taking What You're Handed

Since coming back to Birmingham, it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride. I initially moved back to work at ABC 33/40 to produce the morning show. As you probably know, the job required that I work overnight. For all of you who are familiar with the graveyard shift, it's not always easy! I know a few people who don't mind it, but it just wasn't for me. I can't recall one time that I went into work feeling completely rested. It also took a direct hit to my social life! 

After deciding that I could no longer live the life of a vampire, I left the station and took a job in property management. It was great; I could walk to the office from my apartment, I got a rent discount and most importantly, it was normal business hours! On the flip side, I had to learn customer service and sales. I'm a people pleaser, NOT a people pusher. So it took going outside of my comfort zone to close a deal or to meet my monthly goal. It was truly an eye-opening experience. I can honestly say that I am much more aware of how I treat others, as well as how patient I am. Looking back at these past 6 months, I honestly think it was God's way of teaching me all these things. 

With all that said, I have some BIG news! Come next month, I will be going back to ABC... this time as the "Talk of Alabama" producer. The show focuses on all the things I love: food, fashion, health, music and a lot of other fun stuff. I really think it's something I will be passionate about. 

I've prayed a lot about this decision. At the end of the day, I handed it to God. I knew he wouldn't hand me anything I couldn't handle. If someone told me a year ago where I would be now, I would've said "You're crazy!" But that's just it... life is crazy, and you only have one chance to live it. 

Stay tuned... 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hello, again! I can't believe it's already the middle of April. Unless it's the last hour of work, time really does fly. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Even though I had to work, I was still able to attend church and spend some time with friends and family. And yes, my parents got me an Easter Basket. I will forever take advantage of being the baby. Works every time. 

Besides savoring what's left of my Easter candy, a busy spring schedule is really starting to pick up. I've started dancing again, finally! I've missed it so much. It's actually to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the dance studio I grew up going to in Birmingham. I even get to perform in the recital with an alum group! Who knew I could still clog? It came right back! Some other moves include MC Hammer, "The Running Man" and MAYBE a few toe touches if I can get my big (you know what) off the ground! After nearly 20 years of sitting through dance recitals, my parents finally thought they were out of the clear, think again! 

A few other things are in the works, but I'll leave that to my next post. As for now, it's time for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Chucks, with some close friends!

Until next time...

I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter, Weddings & FOOD!

Hooray! We're halfway through the work week! That is, unless you work weekends and Wednesday is in no way significant to you. But you're not alone, I'm working this weekend too. I even have to work on EASTER. EASTER! If you really think about it, Easter should be celebrated just as big, if not bigger, than Christmas. I'm not saying this because I want an excuse to get off work, but because it celebrates someone RISING FROM THE DEAD! Sure, Christmas is important because that's when our Savior was born, but it's not every day that someone comes back to life! Anyway, that's a rant for another time.

Right now, I'm enjoying a lazy night at home. Wednesday is my show night, AKA: Modern Family. If you've never watched it, I highly recommend it! Usually I'm the kind of person who has to be busy and on the go 24/7, but I enjoy some down time every once and a while. It gives me some one-on-one time with Pixie - my pug who I often refer to as my "child" or "baby." So don't get confused, I do not have an actual kid. I realize this will most likely make me sound a little crazy, but she's a great listener. She looks at my with those bug eyes, and I know she really understands. Plus, she can't talk back or argue. Therefore, I'm always right. 

Besides pondering what to cook for dinner, I'm also scouring the internet for good flight deals. I'm the Maid of Honor for a wedding coming up in June that just happens to be in Oklahoma! I haven't been back in a year, so I'm really looking forward to it. But before the wedding is the Bachelorette party, which is in Dallas. So if anyone has some racked up Southwest points or vouchers, contact me IMMEDIATELY! 

I'm also taking time tonight to find some new recipes to try out. Lately I've been trying to become a little more "domestic." Let me tell you, unless you were born with a wooden spoon in your mouth (as opposed to a silver one) it's no easy task! Examples of this include: almost catching your apartment on fire by putting potatoes on WAX PAPER in the OVEN, overheating chocolate instead of melting it and ruining an entire casserole with the "broil" option. Those are sadly just a few. And you thought I was little Betty Crocker? That's only because I post my SUCCESSES on facebook and twitter. I wouldn't dare post a picture of scorched muffins! 
Here are some of my better moments in the kitchen:

My specialty, Oreo Balls. These were extra special since I made them for a Bama tailgate.

 I made these guys for a Christmas party. Thanks, Pinterest!

Red, White, Blue & Delicious! 

Pumpkin Spice Muffins. Don't let the fancy icing fool you, the muffins only had 3 ingredients, EASY! 

As you can see, I have a sweet tooth! I guess what I should really start focusing on is how to cook actual meals... but for now I'm still sticking with the excuse of "it's hard to cook for one!" If you have any good recipes, please share!

If I don't write again before Sunday, I wish you all a Happy Easter! If you're in your mid-twenties like me, and still get an Easter Basket from mom and dad, you're awesome.
If you're a parent and reading this, just give in and do it another year! It makes us feel special :)

1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Look Back; A Step Forward

It's been WELL over a year since my last post. Pathetic! I started this blog to keep a timeline of my life after college, but it's also great (and free) therapy. This time last year, I was single, in home improvement mode and trying to figure out just what my "calling" was. Well a year later... not much has changed! But I'm OK with that. There's still no boy, my apartment is still a little bare and I'm still trying to figure out just what I'm suppose to be doing! 

When coming to this realization, my first thought was surprisingly NOT "Geez, what a waste of a year!" But rather, "Wow, my priorities were in the wrong place and in the wrong order." Don't get me wrong, I will take a boyfriend, an apartment makeover and a dream job any day, but the way in which to get those things rests in thing, and in one thing only: God. 

Before you roll your eyes, this is not a Christian blog, nor am I going to step up on a soap box. It is truly the revelation of how I have grown over the past 12 months. Around this time last year, a co-worker asked me to go to church with her. In normal circumstances, I would have politely thanked her for the invitation, but would have come up with an excuse as to why I couldn't go. Don't get me wrong, I was one of those who "grew up going to church" but had easily gotten used to sleeping in on Sunday. But at this time I was sleep deprived, most likely hungry, and undoubtedly unhappy. I needed that to change... fast. So instead of ducking out, I said "Sure! What time?" I think I even surprised her! 

Since then, my perspective on where I am in this stage of my life has changed dramatically. I was so concerned with pleasing myself, making myself look good, putting myself first. See a pattern? Sure, you should put yourself first a lot of the time, but just because you push ahead in line, doesn't mean you'll be the first to reap the benefits. 

I'm still working on it. It's a daily effort that requires a lot of pacing. Now that I am not working the graveyard shift, many will tell you that I am finally back to the "Samantha" they knew. Happy. Bubbly. Loud. Blonde. I would say that working during normal daylight hours has played a large role in that, but finding God has played a HUGE role.

This time last year I would be tossing and turning in bed, knowing that I would be heading into work just as the 10 o'clock news was wrapping up. Instead of worrying about what story to lead with and whether or not my traffic reporter would call in on time, I'm watching Dancing with the Stars and sipping on Sangria. And I thougth nothing had changed in the last year? Ha! 

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.